Public Testimony

MS. CASAGRANDE: Thank you for having me today. You should all have a booklet that looks like this. I am here as a representative of victims of telebiostimulation and control resource, but we call it research. If you could turn to page --there is a definition just below for you who aren’t familiar with the term. Telebiostimulation and control is the manipulation of biological processes by the use of --

DR. SHAPIRO: Excuse me a moment. I really want you to wait until we can really hear properly to give you an opportunity. It’s still not working. It’s still not working well.

DR. SHAPIRO: If you would like, perhaps, to sit on the corner here. You just use that and you just sit in the chair there.

MS. CASAGRANDE: Here at this one?

DR. SHAPIRO: Either one would be fine.

MS. CASAGRANDE: Is this better?

DR. SHAPIRO: Thank you very much.

MS. CASAGRANDE: Oh, no problem. I am here as a representative of victims of telebiostimulation and control. If you’ll turn your page, I have a definition just for those of you who aren’t familiar with the technology, and what it’s all about. Telebiostimulation and control is the manipulation of biological processes by the use of telemetry. This technology tapped into the networks of research or targeted living organisms and input signals into the organisms neuronetworks. Telebiostimulation and control were used in neural networks where the brain goes beyond simply recording thoughts as they are processed within the mind. Instead, technology is capable of placing thoughts, feelings, sounds directly into the mind and relaying signals to muscles, making them contract and/or release. A little bit about myself. I am an engineer. I have a masters degree. I have worked for one of the Big Three in Detroit. This technology is being used on myself, and subsequently I have lost a lot of my life. I am now working again. I’m a senior engineer for a small firm and trying to regain my life. And I’m here today to explain the technology and try to add credibility to what’s going on out there. The next page is a listing of nonprofit organizations that are either existing or becoming existing, not something most mental patients usually do. We are forming. We are gathering together, and we will be a viable force if we have anything to do with it. The next couple of pages just give you references to those two other organizations. The next page, victims; very nontechnical, but this is what we have. This is how we document what’s going on out there. Many victims receive audio communication, which is placed directly into the brain’s neural network. As an example of this technology, the sound of a bird singing outside your living room window can be duplicated exactly when you’re sitting down in a cave 200 feet below ground level. Victims are frequently subjected to sleep deprivation and dream control. Sleep only occurs when and for the duration determined by the controlling party. Also, a victim could be shaken with panic one minute, and may be asleep like a baby the next. It’s that fast. This isn’t something that happens in mental patients. It’s like that. They control it totally. Muscles can be twitched or contracted, either lightly, or violently. If not to complicate matters, these effects can be placed into the brain as a sensation, meaning that the muscles felt like a twitch, but it’s not really. And as a victim it’s just one of the many things we go through. Victims have felt cold on an 80 degree day, and we have felt warm standing out in snow in shorts. It overrides everything you actually feel, and makes you feel what they want you to feel. As mentioned earlier, this is a scary party because you can ignore the victims but this is how it effects everyone. Thoughts can be placed unnoticed into the human mind. Also, current thoughts and past experiences can be read from the brains memory banks, and victims are often subjected to memory blockage, and to the retrieval or at the discretion of a controlling party. I realize this is a lot to say, and it’s scary. But I’m here today to try and get through, and it needs to be dealt with. It’s been covert. It’s been under the rug. It’s time. It’s getting scary. It’s going to take a lot of people. And the next page. This is to show you that this is believable. This isn’t fiction. Walter Hess, back in the early 1920's to 1940's, started working with electrodes within the brain, not just on the surface. He was able -- and this is in a book that anyone can get from the library. I went to my library and pulled it out. "A cat’s sudden changes in behavior startled him. The tiny surge of electricity in the cat’s hypothalamus, a part of the limbic system, turned the gentle animal into a ferocious beast." Hess discovered he could also control the animal’s heartbeat and breathing. He was controlling an animal’s heartbeat and breathing in 1940. He won a Nobel prize for this technology in 1940. Unbelievable? It’s written, it’s documented. José Delegro -- Delgado -- I said his name right. Another scientist came along. He took up where he left out. He did the exact same thing, but by use of telemetry. Wires were not needed. He implanted, used implants. Started in 1950, he was doing this research. Suddenly, we have a break. We don’t hear much anymore. Did somebody drop the ball? We’re not looking into the mind? I don’t think so. It’s when an undercover CIA got into it. If you’ve heard of NK-ultra. It’s not talked about. This telebiostimulation has been talked about. Usually, you hear about different things that the CIA tried to do next. I don’t have a lot of answers. I just know what’s going on. Next page. This is something that we have researched and found. The review of magnetic neurosurgery research. And over here more than 30 years ago investigators using magnetic fields to navigate clinical implants through neurovascular systems. It really ties in implants 30 years go. And now with the advent --and then you have to flip quite a few pages. With the advent of computers, the talking nanochips. If you’re --I’m in the engineering field, so I’m very familiar with nano, microscopic. And you’re talking computers, microscopic implants. Who knows? We think about as a victims group, we try to get imaging. We even wonder if that would help. Also, we’re trying to work with anechoic chambers, trying to see if we are generating a signal. We must be generating signals. Obviously, we are receiving signals from somewhere else. It’s hard to get someone to believe you. In groups we seem to fare better. But, again, it’s the researchers, what they do first is get us flat-on-our-back broke, and then we scrounge up from there trying to recover what we had. Families often try to put us in mental facilities. You just spend your lifetime -- you spend quite a few years trying to recover. And to be honest, you only recover if they allow you --you wander. Again, the next page is just more proof of how much we know about the human mind. Here is the mapping. This is a mapping photo, but yet they don’t seem to ever talk about thought, think you may have thoughts.

DR. SHAPIRO: I’m sorry to interrupt, but you have to draw your comments to a close. We’re over five minutes.


DR. SHAPIRO: If you could draw your comments to a close.

MS. CASAGRANDE: Outcome, I just know victims, present victims, we hear a lot from those from 1950's, 1970's. They have actual implants that they found in the ‘60's and ‘70's, which is believable. We are not finding many implants in ourselves, also believable. Another one is a letter in there from an actual official in New York, who said that we -- that she believes that she admits that the technology is out there, but yet it’s classified and she can’t discuss it. This is the most interesting thing I have is from the French National Bioethics Committee. I won’t read over that, but maybe you’ve heard about it. They are starting to look into this, because of imaging technology. They’re saying it can read thoughts, and it’s possible to read thoughts and I would like you to do the same. The last page may be a little blunt. As victims, we get very frustrated. I apologize for those of you who don’t even know what I’m talking about. For those of you who do, please we need your help. I don’t have -- I guess that was it. I have a bunch of just listings of names and some pictures of what’s going on out there.

DR. SHAPIRO: Thank you very much, and thank you for the effort of putting the material together.

MS. CASAGRANDE: Thank you for listening to me.

We’ll continue now with Dr. Tillman Bauknight from Cleveland, Ohio. He wants to address the Commission on the subject of AIDS as a form of genocide in the Afro-American community. Thank you very much for coming this morning.

DR. BAUKNIGHT: Commissioner and Commission members, yes, it’s a pleasure for me to be here and be able to present a few of my concerns relative to biomedical ethics. I’m thinking of first the future. As we approach the Year 2000, the next century makes a millennium, a 21st Century. I’m concerned about the clowning -- cloning, rather, of --that is possible right now; and, certainly, about genetic engineering, organ tissue transplants, other areas like anti-aging studies, etc. Relative to organ and tissue transplants, I was very, very upset to find out that at my university of Howard University, director of Organ Tissue Transplants throughout the country, was the first one to suggest and recommend that we in America will allow the people on death row to be taken up to surgery, given injections, and, therefore, harvesting their organs, rather than taking them to the electric chair. Concern for me, as Afro-American, is that probably 90-some percent of the people on death row are black, and probably a large percentage of those people are innocent. So, this is a form of being able, I can see of getting good organs through the back door. And I would like to be sure that these issues are taken up in your deliberations. And I would like to be assured that there will be a continuous input from the Afro-American community on these kinds of issues. The next thing I would like to say is something I really would appreciate the comments that you just recently made. It’s relative to being respectful of other cultures. And in that concern, I’m talking about I’ve heard many times this morning the use of word "developed and undeveloped nations." And what my mind goes to is countries like Mali, where they did cataract surgery quite a few years before any form of medicine like that was known in the world; but, yet, they would be considered an undeveloped country. So, in my mind I think it’s a redeveloping country, if you will—Egypt, China, and others. So what to my mind, what this tells me, it’s another form of racism, or a condescending approach to people not of your persuasion. And it’s not a real fair description historically. These are passwords that denote something less than our peace. And I picked it very clearly, and I’m sure others did, too, in these countries. And I think that there will be problems relative to that, in all of the research that you’re conducting. In reading and doing a lot of research, I’ve taken courses. I have a certificate in biomedical ethics at Cleveland State, and I’ve been interested in this for some time. And I was --in reading literature from Hastings Institute about in Africa, it’s considered really a fair game to do any type of testing. There is no need for informed consent, because the language is so varied and the population and education -- how nice. So, in other words, this is just a real nice playing field, where we the developed nations can go in and do all the testings that we want to do, ad infinitum. I’m also concerned because just recently, I think last week, or week before, I was glad to hear on the media that we have now taken three species off the endangered list. They were the eagle, the wolf, and the falcon. So, now there is no need for anymore Federal protection of these endangered species. I’m here today because the number one endangered species on planet earth is the black male, 18 to 30. He’s not on the list. Eighteen to thirty Afro-American: they’re unemployed, they’re in jail, they’re on crack. They’re out of here. A whole generation of our people have been destroyed. Destroy the male, there is no continuity. So, between the jails, the gangs, crack, these items and forces are in the death, that’s another good source of organs, because they are fresh and young and 18, etc. That’s probably the best source of organs in America is the kids who are dying daily on the streets. But these people, Afro-American youth, especially the black male, is not on the endangered species list. Save Willie is, the owl is, but why not these people? So, when I look at that, then I’ll look at the AIDS situation, the dilemma. What happened in my research, and I have papers on it. I was only able to bring in seven copies. We’ll get more copies for you for tomorrow. But there are different forms of AIDS. The same word, there are three different diseases. One is the disease that Rock Hudson contracted. There you have the movie stars walking around with the red ribbon. You have Elizabeth Taylor, and others, who --or the guy with the piano. All of these entertainers of white persuasion, mostly Anglo-Saxon white males, homosexuals at first, they give the banquets. The second form of AIDS I feel is the type that Magic Johnson or Arthur Ashe had. These would be restricted to Afro-Americans with some money. The third type, the vast majority of people in America today with AIDS, are the people on the streets, the homeless people. They don’t get parades. They don’t get the red ribbons. They have what they deserve --same disease, different approach and consideration and treatment. When AIDS first came out, or, at least, publicly, or attention given to it, the Caucasian males primarily in an ACT-UP group acted up. And as a result, very much funding was directed to them, research was done, and their lifestyle forms were changed, and as a result the incidence of AIDS in that particular group has decreased dramatically. So, now what we have is AIDS of a different color, black and brown, women and children, but there is a different form of AIDS. Just recently our President, who commissioned you, refused to sign a bill with free needle exchange, which is the problem in the Afro-American and Hispanic AIDS community. Because it’s not contracted primarily due to intercourse, or sexual behavior, it’s contracted through sharing a needle due to economic factors. So, how that is best dealt with is give them some clean needles. They already are on the drug. But the clean needle exchange program would at least reduce drastically the situation of passing that virus on to their wives at home, and their other partners. So this is why it’s going into the heterosexual community, and the black and brown communities, because they are sharing the needles at the beginning, and then they go into heterosexual behavior. So, all I’m saying, I have researched all of this and pulled teeth. This is not what I do for a full-time living. But the point of it is, is that it’s very clear to me that there is two different types, and there is something that’s going on here, that is not into my interest. So when I look at it, and the other thing that I found, is that everyone who is sitting here at this -- can you hear me?

DR. SHAPIRO: Are you nearly through?

DR. BAUKNIGHT: Yes, I’m finishing.

DR. SHAPIRO: Thank you.

DR. BAUKNIGHT: Is because of informed consent. Basically, two classes, or two cases occurred to have the world deal with informed consent: the Tuskegee study, and then the other one was the German --the Nazi Germany situation during the war. But what happened is that the German or the Nazi perpetrators were tried, and convicted, and hanged, and etc. When asked what was the difference, why were not any punitive measures done to the people who instituted the Tuskegee study, who were governmental, public health officials? The answer was, "Oh, those were Nazis." So, I guess it doesn’t matter. Thank you.

DR. SHAPIRO: Thank you. If you give us the material, we’ll be glad to duplicate it ourselves. Will be very happy to make sure all of the commissioners all get copies.

DR. BAUKNIGHT: Thank you.

DR. SHAPIRO: Thank you very much. Thank you for coming here today. Let me now turn to Tom, who could both welcome us and give us some advice regarding lunch.

DR. MURRAY: Sorry, I wasn’t here when you arrived. I actually could have been here in time, had they not closed down most of the lanes on I-71, between the airport and the university, but welcome to Cleveland. A dear friend of mine, also known to many of you, and, who, therefore, shall be nameless, once described a party he and his wife held. They thought it would be really fun to invite people from different parts of their life together to a single event. They thought this would be great fun. It was the worse thing they ever did. They hated each other, their people. Their different, as it were, families couldn’t have less in common. Well, this feels to me a little bit like that, a party, but on the good side. It’s not a party. It’s a serious event, but this is bringing you together to a piece of my life. Esteemed colleagues, and friends of the Commission and staff, and my friends, colleagues, and fellow citizens of this part of the United States, and I hope that you will leave feeling enhanced perception, in fact, and respect for each other. So, with that, lunch I gather is --we’re on our own. There are a variety of restaurants within a couple of blocks from here, but there is also a cafeteria right downstairs. If we need to hurry, that’s probably the best bet.

DR. SHAPIRO: Let me encourage the cafeteria option. You’ll satisfy other requirements that you may have at some other moment. Because I do want to start at one. We’re already well behind. We have a little leeway later in the afternoon. I’d really appreciate if you got back here at one. Thank you very much.